My Story

31 March 2007

i love randomness alrite. argh. headache's getting the better of me.. ciaox.


29 March 2007



aiiya.. life's a bore. i keep thinking of it. but i dunno la. wish i would stop thinking about it. haii. only dy would know what i mean don't you? blahh. but u won't b reading this anyway. i feel so lethargic these days. i hv no idea whyy. i really miss the old times. my past and all. haii. but i'll promise myself from this day on i'll only look forward to the future n never keep thinking bout the past continuously. i hope i'll be able to do that. =) haii. i jus wish there'll b someone i can complain to w/o giving me any real advice but jus crap ard wit me and all. but i doubt there's someone to do tt. i mean after all. it's human nature to attempt to jus make a situation better. but we dunno what is the proper method as it differs from everyone. oh wells. will anyone be there to jus do tt wit me or for me? nahh. i doubt it. oh nvm. after all. expecting xXx to read this is as good as expecting me to get an a1 for bio. haii. anyway. i'd really wish you'd climb out of your shell alr. anyway. enough of all that. Os is coming up like real soon yet i'm not prepared. who will really go study? won't talk n jus like keep motivating me to study? if you feel like your the one den tell me alrite? blahh. but who am i kidding. i doubt anyone will reply this. nvm. i wanna jus be some super random person who never fails to just keep smiling and look at everything positively and not get upset over the slightest tings. but i dunno if it'll ever be possible. haii. you keep coming back into my mind. but is it true? i doubt it. eventually i'm gonna give up. n if i wanna give up it'll b soon. i promise myself that. i shan't lie to myself no more. i'd wish you/they would read this. but even if you don't i don't care. i'll keep it to myself all the same. life's a super piece of bore..

todayy had Mission for Life wit a misson grp from Novena church. quite cool la. it was quite fun with all their jokes and all. seriously.the guys made it sound so boring but actually quite fun oso la. only prob was tt their presentation too boring. almost fell asleep many times during the presentation. but apart from tt it's more or less alrite. i'm still trying to figure out how it is related to NE but it's still abt the same la. oh well. at least they taught me to treasure what i have. the people ard me and the little tings tt happen to me. they're all blessings from God and i shld not overlook these little little tings. thx to them for tt. kudoos. at the same time. a lot of ppl lost their stuff. more like kena stolen. a lot of ppl bags were ransacked. my class oso kena ransacked but no one lost anything. but Casslyn lost her ipod and handphone.. sheesh. life's so unpredictable. dy lost $16. compared to Casslyn, it's not much. but still it's annoying. i tink my bag oso kena ransacked but thx to Julz who asked me to bring along my wallet and hp. i din lose anything. thank God for tt too..

alrite. gotta go alr. watch tv. vacuum floor. bore myself to slp. n cont'd thinking about it...would life change? i don't tink so alr. but i'm gonna go tink abt it first. anyway. shld i go back to church or shld i change church or shld i jus leave things the way they are now. i'm so tired of continuously thinking abt my problems relating to church. yet i can't help it. many ppl hv asked me to go to church. be it back or to other ppl's church. yet i dunno what i shld do. where's the life tt i so wanna lead and tt i used to hv it? it's all gone and lost. aii..

gone to see the Sun rise from the West-


26 March 2007

oh goodness. i feel super random now. i jus love the feeling of randomness. lol. hmm. well later on parents + sis + ah yi etc all coming back from beijing. hopefully got lotsa presents for me seh!!! ahh. anyway. still haven't done hist hw. oh goodness. tt whole wk while they were having hol. i was kinda hving my own hol. though not s slack la.. hmm. school. and all. but more freedom. =) this is so LOVE. heh. oh wells. mon evening(jus the day they left) i fell sick. aww. only got to stay home one nite. tues din go school cos was in agony. wed not too bad alr but took the opportunity to say tt i dun wanna run 2.4km. oh wells. still hv to fun nxt wk wat. tis wk got the hai experiential wk ting oso. oh wells. hmm. thurs nth much. fri went Godma's hse to stay. aiis. before reaching the lift i slipped n fell. oh gosh. one lady saw me. then kinda chatted wit her. but it was super pain.. eesh. the 3rd time i fell in the same position alr. ouch.. at least now onli blue-black. aiis. i gonna fail bio prac and the test. why am i such a failure in bio? haiis. sat got the dunno wat sing tingy at kallang stadium. supposed to hv gone to celebrate marlene jie2's birthday but who knew. eesh. having school on a sat = NO LIFE. haii. nvm. only one day. reached Godma's hse at nite den a while later it started raining. thank goodness i was alr back. =) the small details in life are jus wonderful. sunday spent the whole day slacking. super bored la. anyway. tmr got grand review gtg study n do hist alr!! die... ciao..

iLoveCharmaine&Julz. =)) huggs.


09 March 2007

i know it's been ages since i last blogged again.. goodness. i always leave my blog to rot.. from now on i hope tt i'll blog like almost every 2 mths at least perhaps.. haha. whatever.. jus feel super annoyed with some person.. i mean like we're gonna have a celebration for a friend. only thing is tt we're gonna do it as a big grp i dun understand whyy u get to call the shots for this event. i mean like what the F is wrong wit you. and what you called me to the side to ask me was utterly disgusting and insulting.. but what the hell la. i have no say over you cos of your rank. big deal for this event can? i dun see the pt or rather u bloodily dun see my pt. you only care abt her. i can't do anything jus cos u're good frens wit her la.. it's nth to do wit me. insulting me like tt jus shows how much you really understand me can.. i jus seriously hated you then.. for one event you're making me upset and super insulted.. i'm only in charge of collecting the money. this has nth to do with me in the first place but i offered to help. was tt wrong? i dunno. perhaps my mistake was ever jus agreeing to help out in the first place..despite the fact that you're currently still high n mighty. pls bear in mind tt unless it's like official ____ stuff. u have no special rights and whatever you say overrules me pls.. it sucks la. and pls do not think tt i'm worried others will blame me for wateva reason cos i'm not. if you think tt the whole ting was abt the blame in the first place. our argument would not even hv taken place.. haii. u jus dun understand my pt do you? you only want me to understand your pt. TODAY. during the celebration itself.. did u do what u were supposed to? apparently not instead u had so much fun sia.. u seiously are shit la. i'm sorry but high time u jus start checking yourself at one pt n not tink u're almost perfect can? thx lots.. in fact u shld jus keep away from me esp for the event on thurs otherwise u can do it on your own..

bored. O's are in a few more mths. so fast. so frightening.. haii.. i dun wanna get worse then Val's marks. sorrz!!. i mean i'm supposed to get higher. haii.. dunno wat to do la. i ougth to jus start all my studying n revision but i;m not. tt's wat worriese me. my eyes can barely open anymroe.. ciaox..

LOVES- huggs Jul..





22 11 1991



wen kai

chai shia
charmaine tan
chia min
hong yen
jia min
jia jun
jia xin
jing ming
kai ling
miang lin
shun xiong
si ling
veRa-(not me)
wan xuan
xin ying
yuan jing


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