My Story

30 December 2006

it's been a few days or weeks since i last updated. kinda lazy la. hmm. parents and bro went on hol from e 23rd to the 28th of Dec. me n sis went for caroling. stayed at ah ma hse. din really do much oso. jus tt did hw with xiu zhen on one day. den went for a walk ard tm. n stuff liddat lo. boring oso. caroling was quite ok la. with the exception of melody who is like argh. super irritating. wateva. anyway. din really do much despite parents not being in. oh well. HOMEWORK!! i'm so dead. not completed yet. esp ss one. wat m i so gonna do? Bio either. History n Chem shld b able to finish by today. but wat abt the rest. i'm so dead. anyway. wanna find a chi tuition teacher to chiong for the last 6 mths. so tt my results won't b tt horrifying. lol. die la. i'd better start working hard and chiong all the way nxt yr. the moment school reopens i'd better start being very hardworking n dilligent. hopefully i'll do wat i say la. hmm. oh well. gotta go for tuition. siann.

-who knew the pains we had to go thru before achieving what we have today?


18 December 2006

walking away from my weakness
i hope to stumble upon my strengths
the road is dark
the path is narrow

as i plunge further into the darkness
i realise i'm not alone
fear grips my heart

i pray that nothing will happen
all will be okay
that the thing that is with me
will jus go away

suddenly a bright light engulfs me
i'm swallowed.
then i realised
i no longer felt fear
instead i felt love and happiness
surrounding me

but when i look up
i can only make out a shadow
i ask, "God is that You?"
the shadow makes no reply
i feel a hand on my shoulder
guiding me

i follow that hand
and all the way
no words were spoken
jus silent tears flowing like rivers
tears of joy

i no longer know what loneliness means
i only know what how majestic Your love is
even though the path seems to be eternal
i hope to walk with You wherever i may be

be with me always please. guide me along the right path. draw me closer to You whenever i stray.

stumbling. falling. turning. obstacles in my path. no matter what i will keep the knowledge that You'll always be with me



12 December 2006

back from malacca ytd. it wasn't anything fantastic as in like there wasn't anything really fun to play and stuff la. but got to shop shop shop. the things were nice and cheap. however the quality not so good la. but enjoyed myself thoroughly. went there wit like 2 bags. one small one and the other bigger one for clothes n stuff. but came back with like 4 bags. LOL. haha. but one was but in the bigger bag la. so to be correct is 3 bags? anyway. shall update from marlene jie's wedding.

4 / 12 / 2006

in the morning woke up at ard 10. went to bathe and all to prepare to depart for marlene jie's hse. only to discover that dad wasn't back from his jog. so long.. by the time everything was settled and we could leave, it was alr like 11 plus. aunt linda called and asked us to go down asap. the bride would be leaving soon. but when we reached there we still had to wait very long before the groom came. Clara, Grace and I went to peep at the bride. she was so pretty. whoa.~ eventually when we went into the room we couldn't get out. cos by then the groom was at the door 'bargaining' marlene jie's jie meis were making fun of him outside the room. sounded fun but couldn't see cos we were stuck in the room. apparently they made him drink all sorts of funny things. eventually he came in to get her. sang xiao wei for her. etc. blah blah. den she went to his house for tea ceremony. blah blah blah till about 3p.m. then they proceeded for the tea ceremony. quite fun to watch but was blocked. arghh. anyway den Godma must b quite happy cos she got to receive tea. wee~ haha. den was daddy's turn. n on n on. after the commotion was over, went home. sent aunt nancy's maid home first. den went home. by the time reached home was about 5 plus. went to bathe cos the weather quite hot. watched tv. daddy fell asleep. woke him up after my show at 6.30. he went to take a bath. met mummy and val at the pan pacific straight cos it was nearer for them and after their work. i thought my dress the cutting was nice but so err. quite ugly the patterns. hmm. might regret buying it. never mind. bought it alr. den the dinner and ceremony proceeded like any other wedding would. daddy complained abt sitting at the vip table cos the portions were rationed and he felt like he didn't eat enough. haha. after the whole dinner. the ONG family stayed back to take a photo. ahh. nice. then we left while the kiw family took their family photo. val got a nice shiny flower. she gave me one. yay.! loved it. esp since it's sprinkled with sparkles. nice. got home. bathe. watched the doha asian games den went to sleep.

5 / 12 / 2006

that day daddy's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO HIM! well. spent the day with him at marina square. there was nth much there. hehe. instead of him enjoying i spent money for him. lol. in the afternoon went there. first went to find my mp3 battery cover. cost $5. a bit waste i think. but i paid for it myself. den walked ard. i went to look at wallets and bought the bad tt yu ning wanted. walked ard and saw some stuff. after some time we decided to walk ard for a little while before heading for the movies. watched deck the halls. jus a comedy. quite nice la. about 3/5 if u ask me. daddy said should have watched another movie instead. oh well. should have watched battle of wits. heh. paiseh la. ended up like i was celebrating my birthday. den after the movie about 4 plus we walked ard a little while more before getting val to meet us at city hall mrt station after her work at abt 6.30. took the shuttle bus from suntec city. so crowded. kena squashed. no space at all. lucky i even got up the bus. whew~. den went to bugis mrt station to meet mummy at ard 7 plus. waited for her quite a while. den saw a few guards on duty. dad, val and I were like saying they slacking and putting on a show only la. i mean after all they on duty can chit chat and stuff meh? finally mummy arrived. went to eat ma la huo guo. the spicy steamboat la. took xiao la. quite nice la. but couldn't exactly finish. so full dunno why la. din really eat much did i? i dun even rmb eating lunch except for nachos in the theatre. back was hurting each time i turned. dunno why. after dinner walked ard bugis junction. went home. wilson was at youth camp! managed to get joelle to replace me. dunno if she went though. so nice and peaceful. ahh~ thank God loads for helping me with the problem though. load off my shoulder.

6 / 12 /2006

that day nth much happened except i had to quickly pack last min stuff into my bag cos dad was working in the morning and he fetched me to Godma's hse. THANKS DAD! if not i'd have to lug the bag all the way there on my own. played with Grace. went to Aunt Nancy's condo. Godma went to JB wit Marlene jie to return the gowns. the condo was infested with millipedes i tell you. oh my goodness la. i was so freaked out. Grace almost cried cos of a beautiful red dragonfly. so pretty. or handsome if guy la. Lol. ehh. den went to ws to return Grace's library books while i reserved 2 books. den went to Macs for lunch. saw yi siew, kevon and some other ppl. after tt went back to Godma's hse.

7 / 12 / 2006

woke up early. changed. daddy came to take a pair of shorts from me. den he fetched me to lavendar at the bus terminal there. met aunt Linda and family there. at about 10.30 boarded the bus and left. reached Malacca terminal at about 3p.m. shopped ard the central for some time. by the time we finished walking ard it was almost 4 plus. den took a cab with Godma and Aunt Linda to the DBS Malacca house. quite run down la the place. but had a not too bad room. at least the toilet was okay. as in the flushing system and stuff works. whew! i hate dirty and disgusting toilets. try to stay away from them as often as i can. unless i'm too urgent or smth. eww man~ so gross. err. by the time we were there. didn't have much to do cos a bit late. and too tired cos of the long bus ride. so rest at the bunk first before going for dinner. had mixed veg rice. yumm. was in the same bunk as Clara and Godma. while Aunt Linda, Uncle Yeow Phong and Eugene shared one room.

8 / 12 / 2006

woke up. wash face blah blah. went for breakfast at some coffee shop. had beehoon i tink. not bad luhh. shared wit Godma den had toast too. headed for makhota shopping centre. apparently another shopping centre opened opposite it. so after walking ard makhota for some time, went to quite a no. of shops but din really buy anything cos nth nice if not too ex. den went to the shopping centre opp it. din really walk ard much cos i stayed at one shop trying clothes. bought a skirt. quite satisfied la. about half an hour to an hour. din buy anything else le. walked ard to see bags. billabong, quiksilver etc. saw mango. but not nice la the clothes. so ugly the colour. wanted to buy smth for mummy but eww.~ plus i dun really know her taste. oh well. den saw watches. Godma wanted to buy one. but not nice if not too kiddy. walked back to the bunk. oh ya. bought like nail stuff wit Clara. had dinner. can't rmb wat le. i tink is packet back. or mayb not. oh ya. is err. hor fun, e mee and fried rice all 6 of us share. quite nice.. cos of the slight rain we weren't allowed to go out. so missed out on the pasar malam. but Uncle Yeow Phong bought some charcoal bbq chicken wings. super yummy la. but so oily. Godma was sick so she went to slp n din get to eat it. yummy.. stayed in their bunk playing gameboy for awhile before going back to bunk to slp.

9 / 12 / 2006

err. went for breakfast at the wanton mee stall. it was good la. i tink dad mite have liked it. that day went to hang tuah. more for guys one la. cos the games are super cheap e.g 3RM for one cd. but it mite not neccessarily work la. but at least it's cheap so if it doesn't work is not too bad. bought one for wilson. ate chicken rice again for dinner. den at night went to the pasar malam. bought a cap for wilson. bought a bag for myself. Aunt Linda kept helping me bargain. lol. fun. saw a cap for myself. din noe if wanted to buy so jus left. after walking the whole stretch den we went back to our bunk to rest.

10 / 12 / 2006

woke up quite early jus to go for breakfast and not to waste time going out. ended up we kids had to stay in our bunks and couldn't go out cos the weather was too hot and Aunt Linda was afraid we would get sick and stuff. so practically spent the whole day in bunk if not playing table tennis wit Eugene while Clara played her gameboy. when they came back. they din really buy much. it was quite run down the place from outside. din really do much. went back to the pasar malam at night to get the hat. but heard it was quite ex and couldnt' really bargain so walked away lor.. sadd. walked further down. saw this wallet which was quite cute. bought it. Clara bought the exact same one except in the opp color. lol. then there was lightning and thunder. the lightning was so beautiful. streaks down. anyway. after buying the wallet more or less walked str down back towards the bunk. but halfway thru. stopped to look at the earrings n stuff. eventually still went back to buy the cap!! yay!! so happy la. that was more or less about it. cos after tt went back to the bunk to pack cos leaving the next day. so fast. time flies by so quickly when you're enjoying i guess. wee~

11 / 12 / 2006

ate breakfast. brought all our bags down. while the adults went to Yong Peng to buy some last min stuff we stayed behind to look after the bags. since Clara was playing gameboy. me and Eugene din have much to do so we went to play table tennis. played for a lil while. den it was my turn to play the gameboy so Clara and Eugene played table tennis. not long later. the adults came back. and it was time to go. Aunt Linda, Godma and I took the cab to the terminal first. Uncle Yeow Phong, Clara and Eugene arrived much later. probably wasn't easy to catch a cab. walked ard the terminal for a short while to wait for our turn to board the bus. finally it was our turn and home sweet home.

how time flies. you can never imagine how much each seconds can mean to anyone. so don't waste any second telling someone how much you hate them. instead make use of those seconds to tell someone else how much you love them.





22 11 1991



wen kai

chai shia
charmaine tan
chia min
hong yen
jia min
jia jun
jia xin
jing ming
kai ling
miang lin
shun xiong
si ling
veRa-(not me)
wan xuan
xin ying
yuan jing


  • October 2006
  • November 2006
  • December 2006
  • March 2007
  • April 2007
  • September 2008


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